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Call today for the best wedding and event DJ's in Columbia, SC!
Best Columbia SC South Carolina DJ Service voted by The State
SC Columbia Bridal Association Member
South Carolina Best DJ Karaoke of Free Times Columbia SC


Wedding DJs in Columbia SC

Events by Snow

Kevin Snow Owner DJ Columbia Best of Columbia The State

Events by Snow is a wedding DJ and planning service in Columbia, South Carolina proud to offer professional entertainment for weddings and all occasions.  

Trying to decide on your entertainment?

Here's what others are saying: REVIEWS


 We offer:

- Music that is perfect for your event

- Top rated DJ's and Entertainers

- Knowledgeable and Professional Service

- More...

Our entertainers are dedicated to exceeding the expectations of clients and tailoring our services to create an unforgettable experience.  Since 2011, we have provided entertainment for more than one thousand events and are continually growing as one of Columbia's best entertainment companies.  We are excited to show you why so many people have trusted us to make their event perfect.  


Let's start planning your very own event today! 

Columbia Wedding Bridal Show Award

Two times back to back!  At the recent Bride City Shows Bridal Expo presented by Michael Koska we were awarded for our terrific looking booth for a second time!  Thank you to all who made this event possible and for all of the brides who trust in joining us at the Columbia Convention Center.

Events by Snow Columnia South Carolina Van

Events by Snow has a new presence on the road!  Be on the look out for the Snowmobile!

Events by Snow Wedding DJ Professionals Logo

Congrats to Brittney and Chris! Here's a wonderful high-light video, put together by Scott Fowler, of their wedding at the Ndoki Lodge!

Watch the party!

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Ready to book your entertainment?


803.553.5446 //

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